Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Triple Conjunctions of 2015 || Jupiter Oppose Chiron || Venus Conjunct Mars

Venus & Mars Symbol Wire Talismans Handmade by 12th House Studio

The Triple Conjunctions of 2015

Jupiter Oppose Chiron || Venus Conjunct Mars

It's not often that you will read about someone thanking Chiron for his astrological influence, as his rulership is so heavily & commonly associated with the deep pain and wounds in our lives that will just never heal. It wouldn't be correct if I did not mention that contacts to Chiron in our natal charts are painful, generally, but only to the extent that we have worked to heal and resolve these issues. There will be some twinge of "oohh that one still hurts, I thought that was resolved", and there may be unconscious habits we've formed to deal with our natal Chiron placements and aspects. So let's be clear, wounding is a real theme with Chiron, but I believe these wounds can be outgrown in a way, or at least the energy from these wounds can be transmuted to serve great benefit of those around us. 

Image Source :: Tumblr
Chiron type wounds generally come at no fault of our own, just as Chiron's injury took place due to Hercules negligence & the drunken insanity of his Centaur brothers. It's an unfortunate wrap, because so much of Chiron's benefit is glossed over. Wounding is a part of this asteroid's story but not everything. This is a Centaur who was completely different than his kind, a half man/half beast known to be one of the greatest teachers in the collective myths, educating the Heroes, Gods & Goddesses themselves. Chiron was a talented healer who, during his time as a wounded individual, developed an arsenal of healing tools, potions, and modalities that just so happened to be of great benefit to everyone but himself (Chiron's immortality contributed to the wound's inability to heal). Unfortunately, all the potions in the world could not heal the wound he obtained from the Hercules's arrow (which had been dipped in the Hydra's blood). Chiron's story ends in martyrdom, as he goes on to sacrifice his life in exchange for the ending of Prometheus's suffering. Chiron symbolizes sacrifice for the greater good, whether that is our relationship, our family, our job, our ego, our emotional baggage, etc. This is something his current sign of Pisces knows ALL about. Chiron has been in Retrograde motion for some time in Pisces, he is an asteroid that moves very slowly in the sky but will station direct before the year ends. Chiron, perhaps, needs a bit of Jupiter's Sagittarian/Centaur influence as well, to transcend the often unclear & veiled waters of Pisces with a higher more practical perspective. Planets & objects sometimes get lost in Pisces, Jupiter will help reel that in under Virgo's influence.

So why my gushing over Chiron? Because Jupiter, Mars and Venus need some wisdom. Mars is going to station Retrograde next year, and Jupiter has just come out of his Retrograde cycle. Venus too, recently re-birthed as a Morning Star after being Retrograde for a good portion of 2015.  Chiron's the one with the medicine cabinet full of potions & experiences that perhaps did not work for him but will certainly help in other areas. Chiron is happy to share this wisdom that springs from a sore spot we must become accustomed to in some way. So what might Jupiter, Mars & Venus need? 

Planetary Folklore
Both Jupiter & Venus are in Virgo, which means their essential power/expression is reduced in some way. Jupiter is in his detriment in Virgo, as he opposes the sign that he rules (Jupiter is the original ruler of Pisces, prior to Neptune's discovery). Venus is in her fall in the sign of Virgo, because she opposes the sign where she is in exaltation (aka super happy). Both planets (Virgo & Jupiter) basically do not fully express themselves in the way they might under another sign's influence. Jupiter in Virgo is a different Jupiter than Jupiter in Sagittarius (the sign that it rules), and the same goes for any planet as it transits. Virgo is at the reigns, and she says "be critical, be practical, be prudent, don't F this up, let me pick all the lint off your sweater, ". Yet it can't be good and easy, all of the time. Planets, just like our lives, have their own cycles throughout their journey along the zodiac. Sometimes they have it easy, with supporting trines & travels through signs they are exalted in. Sometimes they are squared by Pluto & feel squashed like a bug. Both experiences, flowing & resisting, harmony & friction, have their meaning and purpose. Comparison to our own natal charts gives a much clearer indication as to how these transits & positions effect us in our own lives.

Remember, we're on the end of a triple conjunction bonanza this year. Triple Conjunctions like these may take place only 2-3 times in your life, which is pretty neat when you think about it. The three planets have been dancing together with one common denominator: Venus. Venus has been highly aspected during 2015, forming a triple conjunction with Jupiter in addition to a triple conjunction with Mars. She's the star of the show, and the Goddess is fine with that. Her entire retrograde cycle was in Leo, with a rebirth that took place in the attention loving sign. She left her shadow phase on the Fixed Star Regulus, one of the Four Royal Stars of Persia, the watcher of the North. This means our relationships, finances, possessions, and love (how we love, who we love, what we love, love love love) have been at the forefront. 

With Chiron in Opposition to Jupiter, we're blending different types of Centaur energies. Jupiter rules the sign Sagittarius, who is represented by the Archer, a bow & arrow wielding Centaur aiming his arrow at the Scorpion next door. Chiron is comfortable with Jupiter energy as Jupiter rules higher education & philosophical thought, travel, other cultures, religion & the wisdom gained from a higher perspective. This is Chiron's means of dealing with his wound, using his intelligence & insight, his higher perspective & craft, to heal. 

However, Centaurs (like Jupiter's Centaur) were unruly creatures, known to live in herds in the wild. These creatures were drunkenly destructive, as they are commonly responsible for drunken brawls across myths. Wild & free they be. Remember Chiron? One of these things is not like the other. Chiron is the Centaur evolved. The healer and teacher who defected from the herd, living in his own home. It was a drunken battle with his own kind that wound up wounding him. Therefore, during this opposition of Chiron and Jupiter, our inner wounding will most likely be emphasized in some way, or perhaps unresolved wounds causing issues in the house that Chiron is currently transiting in our own charts. Chiron will say "Give it up for the greater good" thanks to Pisces influence and his penchant for martyrdom. Chiron will ask us to develop new healing modalities, adding experience to our toolkit of what we use to deal with the ups and downs. Chiron says, "Take your wounds and teach from them, make from them, heal others from them". Where Jupiter travels we do see a bit of luck and benefit. He is a generally positive planet after all, and he loves to emphasize and expand what he touches! In a charged aspect like an Opposition, we may see some of Jupiter's more ugly habits come out, as we swing back and forth between the two Centaurs. The trick here, is to not swing too far to either side. 

As Oppositions require us to attempt to maintain balance between two planetary energies/points/bodies, we will find some sort of aid to this Jupiter/Chiron swing in Venus and Mars, who are inhabiting the same sign as Jupiter. This is the ultimate meeting of opposites, Yin & Yang, Masculine and Feminine. The Divine Consorts, who actually were never married, birthed 4 children together: Phobos - Fear, Deimos - Terror, Harmonia - Harmony, Eros - Desire. Venus was married to Vulcan & bore no children with him, the Goddess of Love had, ironically, a loveless marriage. There is a gift here, with a conjunction of Venus & Mars, as we feel & benefit from the natural balance & harmony of their union.

In the chart below, you will notice that Venus/Mars are basically un-aspected. They stand alone in their union, therefore they will mostly be influenced mostly by their sign & any other planets inhabiting and influencing that sign (Jupiter). There are no other planets in aspect to them, adding any additional symbolism and themes, it's just Venus & Mars in union, on their own. When Venus and Mars meet, we visit a union of the principles of masculine and feminine. This is the ultimate blend of romance, sex, intimacy, and relationship. This is a blend of opposites and a generally pleasant meeting. The house where this falls in your natal chart (locate 24° Virgo in your chart), will appreciate the added harmony. This is a jumping off point for the two planets, Mars will turn Retrograde next year while Venus will continue to move along her Zodiac journey, leaving Virgo & entering Libra. A new cycle initiates between the two, and we benefit from the collective energy this union creates. Where Venus rules love & relationship, and the intricacies and romance of relating, mating. Mars rules lust and sex drive, our more base primal urges, what drives us. We may feel more called to form intimate relationships, not necessarily sexual ones, but partnerships that are safe & allow us to express ourselves naturally. As Virgo rules our work, we will perhaps feel very comfortable in our work environment or with our daily tasks. This all sounds great, so how can Chiron possibly assist such a positive union? Again, we will revisit the children from these two: Fear, Terror, Harmony, and Desire. Fear and Terror are pretty intense and are a bi-product of the influence of the God of War. What you experience from this transit, will depend on the condition of the house & planets that inhabit the sign of Virgo & the sign of Pisces. Find 24° Virgo in your birth chart, which will show you the house where this final conjunction is taking place. When conjunctions form, it's as if a seed is being planet. In a Sun/Moon cycle, a conjunction creates a New Moon. Therefore we can look at this as a metaphor for a new Venus Mars cycle. 

I've listed the details of today's events below, and included a chart of the moment for the Venus/Mars Conjunction. How intensely these transits will effect you really depends on your natal birth chart, progressed chart, etc. There are layers of elements, and each individual feels transits in different ways. Transits can also spark things within synastry & composite charts (charts of two people together). As always, If you have any questions about your chart, don't hesitate to post in the comments, ask on Instagram, or send me an email! 

Triple Conjunction Dates

Compare your natal chart to the degrees below. Do you have planets/angles/objects in Leo, Virgo, or Aries? Are any objects or angles in your natal chart within 90° (square), 180° (opposition), 120° (trine), or 60° of the degrees listed below? Compare your natal chart to these points to see HOW these Triple Conjunctions will effect you personally. 

Venus & Jupiter

July 1, 2015
21°37 Leo
Leo 22 :: "A carrier pigeon fulfilling it's mission"

August 4, 2015
28°35 Leo
Leo 29 :: "A mermaid emerges from the ocean, ready for rebirth in human form"

October 25, 2015
15°38 Virgo
Virgo 16 :: "In a zoo, children are brought face to face with an orangutan"

Venus & Mars

February 22, 2015
01°42 Aries
Aries 2 :: "A comedian entertaining a group"

September 1, 2015
14°55 Leo
Leo 15 :: "A pageant, with it's spectacular floats, moves along a street crowded with cheering people"

November 3, 2015
24°02 Virgo
Virgo 25 :: "A flag at half mast in front of a public building"

Chart of the Moment

24°02 Virgo
Virgo 25 :: "A flag at half mast in front of a public building"
KEYNOTE: The social acknowledgment of a job well done and a destiny fulfilled. 
As an individual who has accepted any significantly met public responsibilities reaches the end of his service to his community or to mankind as a whole, he gains social immortality, at least to some extent. In death he becomes identified with the archetype that ensouled his public office. He becomes a "culture hero," enshrined in the official memory of his race. He has found his place in history. The symbol implies the ability to carry any task to its ultimate fulfillment, provided this task is carried out with reference to the need of a collectivity, small or large as it may be. 
In this final phase of the thirty-fifth five-fold sequence of symbols we are presented with an image of the end results of the individual's service to mankind. His personal failings may be forgotten but his achievements remain. They are given PUBLIC RECOGNITION. - Dane Rhudyar, The Astrological Mandala
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Jupiter at 17°32 Virgo 
Virgo 18 :: "An Ouija Board"
KEYNOTE: The ability to contact deeper recesses of the unconscious psyche and sensitiveness to psychic intimations and omens. 
The ouija board is to be considered here a modern device similar to many ancient instruments used for divination and prophecy. Certain states of threshold consciousness are stimulated by such a use, and what the experience produces may vary greatly in quality and in origin. The release of unconscious material has lost the explosive force pictorialized in the preceding symbol, yet at this stage there is still no conscious and willful control over what reaches the ego-consciousness. 
This is the third stage of the thirty-fourth sequence of symbolic phases in the life process. It is at best a stage of transition which stresses a passive openness to the unknown. The glamour of it may subtly pervert the mind of the aspirant; but in some cases, this can be the first manifestation of INNER GUIDANCE. The difficulty is to correctly evaluate what or who does the guiding. - Dane Rhudyar, The Astrological Mandala

Chiron at 17°32 Pisces
Pisces 18 :: "In a gigantic tent, villagers watch a spectacular performance"
KEYNOTE: The collective appeal of a well-staged and exciting display of skill and/or oratory. 
At first, Marc Jones interpreted the "gigantic tent" as the locale for a revivalist's meeting; later he suggested a circus tent instead. In a sense, the basic meaning is the same whether it is the traditional performance of skilled clowns, acrobats or animal trainers, or that of a religious fundamentalist dramatizing an old religious imagery, what takes place is the use of personal achievement and conviction to bring a crowd to a state of enthusiasm sufficient to make it forget its boredom with everyday routine or its familiar sins of commission or omission. 
At this third stage of the seventieth five-fold sequence, the individual person and the collectivity are brought together in a significant performance which subtly strengthens the communal spirit directly or indirectly.  The implication of the symbol, whenever it is found operating, is that the time has come for the individual to dare to present himself and his works to his community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following. What is suggested is PUBLIC SELF-DRAMATIZATION. - Dane Rhudyar, The Astrological Mandala


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