Wednesday, November 11, 2015

11/11 New Moon in Scorpio & the Sacred Pathway

Image Source :: Cendrine Rovini

11/11 New Moon in Scorpio & the Sacred Pathway

Everyone in my house always seems to be crying around a Scorpio Moon. At one point last night, I was crying, my four year old son was crying, and my poor husband was left shaking his head, handing us tissues & thinking "Why is everyone so emotional?!". It's the New Moon potency baby! The void & vacuum created by a New Moon & experience in the sign of Scorpio creates intensity and speaks to our innermost psychological processes. Emotions rise from the depths, often emotions we can't explain, but just need to feel. We are called to plant a seed, renew and regenerate, in the very depths of our psyche.

The emotional tidal wave of a Scorpio New Moon is one that you should embrace. Don't be surprised if you feel a wash of negative emotions, but don't fight it either. What is that negativity trying to tell you? What is left unresolved in your soul? Feel it, in all it's intensity. Then pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and open yourself to the hidden gift of Scorpio: regeneration and renewal. This is Scorpio's way of cleansing & purging the subconscious. We don't have to always know why. Let me repeat: We don't always have to know why. Let that one go. Strong emotions are bound to happen, strong urges felt from the depths of our psyche. We are experiencing an alignment of the Sun & the Moon after all. Our emotions and desires are so closely intertwined, the Moon is absorbed in Spirit. 

New Moon & Sea by Reika Iwami
According to Ptolemy, the Moon is in it's fall in Scorpio, as it inhabits the sign opposite it's exaltation (in Taurus). Where the Moon's function is growth (waxing and waning), Scorpio's function is elimination & regeneration. Where the Moon rules the public, Scorpio rules all things private. There is an innate paradox here that we have to face within ourselves. The key to dealing with this paradox, is in the the darkness of the New Moon. There is an open space here, as the Moon is completely shadowed by the Sun, creating a void, space, TO eliminate. Throw it all in there. 

The Moon speaks to what is familiar: our family, our ancestors, our Mother, what nurtures us. It is our comfort zone, habits formed to make us feel secure, our needs & the subconscious responses we've grown accustomed to. It speaks to the rhythms of the body & our personality, a personality that shaped & formed by the reflective light of the Spirit (Sun). During this New Moon in Scorpio, we are breaking down elements of our personality structure that require de-crystallization. 

Scorpio is in the driver's seat. Scorpio says HOW the Moon & Sun will act, he is the puppeteer. Scorpio says: "Let's start fresh shall we? We will purge. Just release. I'm going to go deep and it may feel gut wrenching but that's the point. Fear, timidity, that will not work here. Eliminate it." 

Yet both planets are under the influence of a sign whose power also lies in it's gift of regeneration. So this New Moon is the POINT of regenerating. We make our stop at the cosmic garbage dump and releeeeaasseeee, then open and embrace the point where regeneration begins. Like the plants which require pruning, it is the PRUNING THAT STIMULATES GROWTH. In reality, when you snip away at a plant, that will stimulate more growth, new form. As the Moon continues to grow in this cycle, she does so with the divine mission of regenerating. What will you regenerate? What do you choose to grow back?

Rosalind Lyons | "Draw The Curtain Close"

The Sacred Pathway

This Solar/Lunar conjunction takes place at 19°01 Scorpio, one of the most mystical and highly charged degrees of the zodiac. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: "A woman draws away two curtains, closing the entrance to a sacred pathway".

I will share astrologer Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this degree, because I think within this description lies the biggest lesson and KEY to integrating this New Moon.
KEYNOTE: The revelation to the human consciousness of what lies beyond dualistic knowledge. 
The "Woman within" — the faith that is rooted in the deepest intuitions of the soul — is seen here as the hierophant unveiling the realities which the either-or, pro-and-con mind of man alone cannot perceive. The path to the mystic's "unitive life" is opened up once the darkness of fear, egocentricity and dualistic morality is removed. 
This is the last symbol of the forty-sixth five-fold sequence. It reveals what a positive reliance upon faith and intuition can bring about. Courage is needed to go through the veiling darkness — the courage to venture beyond the familiar and the traditionally known, to PLUNGE AHEAD INTO THE UNKNOWN.
"The path to the mystic's "unitive life" is opened up once the darkness of fear, egocentricity and dualistic morality is removed."

"Courage is needed to go through the veiling darkness - the courage to venture beyond the familiar and the traditionally known, to plunge ahead into the unknown."

The Yod

We further see this theme of de-crystallization in the Yod or Finger of God aspect that the New Moon forms with Uranus in Aries and Jupiter in Virgo today. A Yod aspect is formed when one planet is Inconjunct (Quincunx) to two planets, and those two planets are in sextile. This forms the shape of a long triangle. 

Example of Yod formation.
Image Source:
In the New Moon chart, Uranus sits at the apex, or fulcrum. Uranus forms two inconjunctions with both Jupiter & the Sun/Moon. Jupiter, who is currently in Trine with Pluto (Scorpio's Ruler), is adding MORE Plutonian themes to this mix, although the two planets connecting is more harmonious than you would think. Pluto is exalted in Pisces, and Jupiter is the original ruler of Pisces, so both planets know how to talk, even though they tend to disagree. Jupiter doesn't want to be so serious. He says "Go out and learn, grow, expand, adventure, indulge, reach higher". Pluto says "be private, close the door, tumble down the dark rabbit hole, go lower & go deep".

They keyword for Uranus is "Behold, I maketh all things new". Uranus assists us in breaking up these crystallized patterns (the ones that Scorpio is asking us to decompose), patterns deeply engrained in the psyche and shadow. How Uranus wants to do this is not necessarily something the Moon & Jupiter totally "get", but this is out of our control. Uranus is our of our control. What is in our control, is our response to Uranus & his electric activities. Yet, as Isabel Hickey so eloquently states, "Uranus never leaves you where it found you. It never takes anything from you, without giving you something better in it's place". He is here to help you evolve, and evolution is often quite uncomfortable.

The Yod is often referred to as a fateful formation, one that is both a point of activation & awkwardness or conflict. Inconjunctions are often thought of as being disharmonious strange aspects, as the two planets in aspect are 5 signs apart. Neither planet is in the same modality or element. For example, Uranus is in Aries. Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign. The New Moon is in Scorpio, which is a Fixed Water sign. There are inherent differences in how each of these planets are expressing themselves. There is a real disconnect in how the two planets relate, yet this awkwardness in interaction can be creative or destructive. All tense or awkward aspects are like this, they create tension which requires us to want to do something about it. We're uncomfortable, so we want to change that. 

In the Yod, the two planets in sextile (60° apart) are working together harmoniously,  while the planet at the Apex point is saying "I have no clue how to relate to you two, I'm doing my own thing". The key, or point of activation, in this formation is the point directly opposite the planet which sits as the apex. This point will connect ALL three planets, forming what astrologers call a "kite" formation. The two planets at the "base" of the Yod, now form a 30° Semi-sextile to the point the apex planet opposes. In this case, we will look opposite Uranus to 17° Libra (Sabian 18 Libra) : "Two men placed under arrest". 

Well that sabian symbol sounds negative does it not? In truth there is REAL wisdom here and something to be known as we initiate this new Lunar phase. As Uranus works to de-crystallize and decalcify with this New Moon, we are reminded that our actions have consequences. Dane Rudhyar states: "The fact that two men are pictured under arrest suggests a polarization and a purpose transcending a merely personal fit of recklessness... Negative as the image may seem, one may see implied in it the power in every individual to assume social risks in order to express his convictions or deepest desires. Nevertheless, one thing is needed: FACING THE CONSEQUENCES." 
Uranus // Image Source :: NASA

Assumed risk in self assertion. We all face this risk. We could be outcast if we follow our impulse to be different. We will face consequences. Yet, consequences are simply the results of our actions. Consequences can be good or bad, and we face them whether we like it or not. Uranus encourages us to go against society, the norm, the status quo. He wants us to evolve. Yet, this symbol shows us what happens if we are reckless, and if we go against the grain in a way that will be destructive for us or those around us. This invites us to be careful, careful about what we say, what we build, what we regenerate, as this New Moon grows in her fullness over the coming weeks. We can step out of the box, but not into another personal prison of our own doing. 


As the New Age continues to unfold and come to fruition, more and more of us are called to walk this Sacred Pathway. Many of us received this calling or activation through repeated connections to the number 11:11, or perhaps they are seeing this now. This divine calling to step up, be an example, be a vessel for Source, evolve on every level to help a planet that is suffering and in desperate need of our assistance. It is a phenomena that has slowly become more and more widespread as time passes, and will continue to do so as more individuals are shaken and awakened.

Often people describe more synchronicities & coincidences surrounding this numerical alignment. This alignment is about our divine call to action, and the coincidences are not just that - they are the Universe's way of saying, "yes you are going the right way". 11/11 is a download, a portal, a cosmic wake up call that inspires you to walk the Sacred Pathway. In my own life, I have quite a story surrounding this number sequence, one that I will have to save for another day & another blog post. Yet, as I sit and write today I can't help but look back at where I was when I began to see this number, in 2011. So lost and confused. Depressed. On the edge. I thought I was on the edge of the end, but I was on the edge of my life blossoming open. I am beginning to, just now, see the results & manifestation of what my commitment to this path, to walk the Sacred Pathway, even though years of struggles & questioning. I've stuck to it, I've slowly embrace it & let the fear go. Now this must happen on a DEEP SUBCONSCIOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL level. This is Scorpio's mission of this New Moon.

So I continue to walk this Sacred Path, and I encourage you to do the same. I don't always do so with the fearlessness that Rudhyar encourages. I waiver. I wonder if I'm nuts, and question whether what I am doing matters. But I learn and my lessons are hard but profound. I learn and I integrate, and in these planetary cycles, I am renewed again, as are you.

Chart of the Moment

Compare the chart below to your own natal chart. Do this, by locating degrees which will create an aspect to the New Moon or planets involved in the Yod. Squares form with planets, angles and objects that are 90° away, Trines 120°, Sextile 60°, Conjunction 0-12° (luminaries have the widest orb of influence at 8-12°), Opposition 180°.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this message! If you share, please credit the source. As always, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me:


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