Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Full Supermoon in Taurus || Hunters Moon

Full Moon || Supermoon in Taurus

For a full breakdown of the Sun & Moon's Positions, Sabian Symbols of the Luminaries, how to compare your own chart to the Full Moon & a detailed Full Moon chart (with aspects notated), click here or link to Astrology above in the menu.

I'm not sure what I love more about this week's Full Moon. It could be that my husband and I will be celebrating 10 years together on Halloween, since we began dating on Halloween 2005. Scorpio season was really hard for us last year, so this year we are extremely excited to celebrate each other & our commitment to each other on this witchy holiday. It could be that the Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are just crazy enchanting and highly charged, and every time I read them and imagine them in my mind and can't help but be completely happy. Maybe it's the fact that the trees in Memphis this year are more colorful than I have seen in a really long time, so the view out my rainy window as I type this post is even better than usual. It's layers of things, good things, and I hope you all are feeling the value of yourself and those people and things around you today, this is part of the Taurus Supermoon Magic. Get comfortable. Delight your senses with a good book, warm socks, a crackling fire, tasty hot soup, or any other form of self care that acknowledges your personal value and worth. Taurus delights in the senses.

Today's Full Moon is the final Supermoon in a series of Supermoons that formed throughout the year this year. The most notable of these Moons being the Super Blood Moon // Total Lunar Eclipse which occurred this past September on the Libra/Aries axis, prior to the Equinox. A Supermoon is a Full Moon that occurs on or near it's Perigee (closest point to the Earth during orbit), and is larger in size than most Full Moons. Not all Full Moons will take place at the Moon's Perigee.

Craft of the Witch
Also called the Hunters Moon, October's Full Moon is the first Full Moon after the Fall Equinox, and occurs closest to the Ecliptic. Using the Tropical Zodiac, this Full Moon takes place in the Sign of Taurus, opposing the Sun in Scorpio. It gained it's name "Hunters Moon" from our country's Native People, who used the brightness of this Moon as illumination for their last hunt prior to the Winter season. Food had to be stored, and now was the time to hunt for the survival of the tribe during the cold dark nights of winter. The bounty of the harvest season ends as the planets & trees that once bloomed & sprang forth in spring under Taurus's rule, prepare to go dormant or die. At a time when there were no city lights to cover the night sky, Native people were able to use the light of the Moon and even some planets (depending on the Season) to navigate in the dark. A viel of soft illumination that is merely a reflection of light coming from the Sun. We can use this as a metaphor for our own growth, insight, and healing. The Supermoon is a mirror that, with proper form and angle, can focus and concentrate light so that it catches things ablaze. Now is the time to be a kid, zapping unwanted bugs on the sidewalk!

The Scorpio/Taurus axis is a strong one, with energy that is fixed, dense, & intense. Both signs have a Fixed Modality after all, occurring during the middle of a Season, following an Equinox period. Now we feel the need to dig our heels in, slow down, and connect to an inner resourcefulness and resolve. Both Scorpio and Taurus are highly resourceful signs, Taurus on a physical material plane, and Scorpio on a psychological, spiritual and emotional plane. When I imagine the sign of Scorpio, I can't help but think of an iceberg. We only see a small portion of what lies beneath the surface, and Scorpio is much like that. It is a source of renewal and healing. Where our subconscious sense of worthlessness & possessiveness, the more negative aspects of Taurus, may be illuminated now, Scorpio gives us the energy to allow it to decay. Scorpio says "let go and let dissolve", something Taurus struggles to do as it is a sign that can be clingy and possessive with it's belongings on a physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional plane. The Sun in Scorpio provides us with the direction and drive, the light, to shine in these dark places. With Laser focus, we take Moon's Mirror and reflect the Sun's light where it is needed, like a Surgeon, allowing the old unwanted bits to burn. 

Dragonfly Widsom
Scorpio's classical ruler, prior to Pluto's discovery, is the planet Mars. Mars is a dominant, warlike & often destructive energy. Think of the Tarot Card "The Tower", which represents a burning tower falling to the ground. This card often scares people in readings, as they wonder "What unexpected event is going to take place, that is going to change things and traumatize me?!" In truth, it is only what we cling to (Taurus) that creates the inner turmoil. Taurus rules our possessions and those things we hold onto, mostly on a physical plane (as Taurus is an Earth sign). Yet, Taurus also speaks to the  beliefs and feelings we've been harboring, emotional responses and old reactions we've stuck with time and time again. With the Moon here, it is possible that we will be faced with these old "beliefs" and habits that just need to hit the road. 

Scorpio is represented by three signs, the Scorpion, the Eagle, and the Phoenix. Most of us are familiar with the Phoenix, who rises from the ashes of destruction. Much like the Lotus flower, which blooms from muddy water, it is the representation of renewal and transcendance to a higher state of being, from a destructive or unstable or dark state. This is what greets us on the other side, when we are willing to let go and release the things that just need to die: bad habits, stories we've told ourselves, old ways of reacting.

A common form of therapy for patients who suffer from Phobias or even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is exposure therapy, where the patient is exposed to their fear so that they can become accustomed to it and even conquer it. The old debilitating beliefs they told themselves, "This will make me sick, I will die if I touch that snake, if I drive I'll get into a wreck, if I fly my plane will crash, etc", burn in the confrontation with the FEAR and DARKNESS, the PHOBIA. Scorpio season is the season to embrace the dark. In fact, I encourage you to dive into it, swim around, pick out the nasty bits and really look at them. With the light of the Sun cast on this grand Taurus Moon, we are called to investigate, HUNT, badger your demons, break them apart. Confront the skeletons in the closet and wear them for Halloween. Follow Persephone down the rabbit hole. Become stripped, to the bone, like the Babylonian Goddess Inanna. 

It is important to note that Scorpio rules the reproductive & elimination processes of the body. Your sexual organs, as well as your colon, are ruled by the waters of this sign. Scorpio rules the means by which we cross worlds, how we enter the world & how we exit. Scorpio is a sign of destruction, death and regeneration, but also rebirth, transformation and renewal. This sign, often more than any other sign, reminds us of the cycles we are bound to in life. Where Moon in Taurus may want to hold on, while Sun in Scorpio says "this is where it's ok to let go, and this is where you've got to let go for healing". Scorpio is a sign of healing, regeneration and renewal. 

The Sabian Symbols of the Full Moon

The Moon sits at 3°45 Taurus with the Sabian Symbol "A rainbow's pot of gold". Since Taurus rules money, value, and the gold that sits within that pot, we're invited to look at the many interpretations of this symbol. Whereas many may see this as financial wealth, a "jackpot" if you will, this symbol is truly about the internal pot of gold, our real inner value, that exists within. The Rainbow can be connected to a balanced energetic body, as it represents the colors associated with the Chakra system: Red (Root), Orange (Sacral), Yellow (Navel), Green (Heart), Blue (Throat), Indigo (3rd Eye), Violet (Crown). The pot of gold speaks to the heightened state of being and vibration when these systems and wheels are activated and aligned. The Rainbow can also be connected to the very bridge that links worlds. We often refer to our deceased pets as "crossing the rainbow bridge", and often Shamans use the Rainbow bridge as a means to travel to another world.

The Sun, opposing this Moon, sits at 3°45 with the Sabian Symbol "A youth carries a lighted candle in a devotional ritual". Here, we see the illumination of darkness, by means of an active ritualistic process, symbolized by the innocence of a child. Children are highly impressionable, little recorders. As Dane Rudhyar states this degree represents "The educative power of ceremonies which impress the great images of a culture upon its gathered participants". We are invited to investigate, with a sense of reverence, the impressions and impact our cultural rituals have placed upon us. How has this formed our believe system and set of values? Halloween, one of our culture's wildest and darkest holidays, is a collective ritual that involved giving out candy, dressing up in costumes, and celebrating all things spooky & creepy. What does the collective ritual of delighting in all things dark have to teach us?

Klevakova Ksenia Photography
Neptune's Involvement

Neptune is in trine/sextile with this Full Moon, so enjoy the mystic undertones during this time. Neptune is a sign that loves to get lost in the imagination. Use this energy to funnel into productive Taurean tasks like making art, singing, cooking, and again delighting the senses. I can't preach self care enough during this time! However, Neptune can sometimes confront us with the illusions we've fallen prey to over the past. Recognize what is real and what is not. Use your instincts, they will be heightened during this time.

In Review

Don't waste your energy by holding onto things that do not serve your healing. Allow the light of this Moon to be your guide and tool for navigating the dark. Practice self care if you are feeling stripped bare, but don't resist the process. Re-evaluate what you are placing value on, whether you realize it or not. Where we focus energy and what we hold onto (whether on a conscious or subconscious level), is what we are telling the universe we value. With Jupiter and Venus conjunct in Virgo, another Earth sign, we will be inclined to really indulge & delight ourselves.

Now is a wonderful time to delight in ceremony in ritual as the veil is thinnest between worlds. Honor and acknowledge those who came before you, those who have passed and those who have yet to come to form. Have a wonderful and safe Halloween this Saturday!

Thank you for reading this post! It was a pleasure putting this information together for you. If you feel called to share this in any way, please do the right thing and credit 12th House Studio as your source, linking back to either my site or blog.

Many blessings on this Full Supermoon in Taurus!


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