Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sun Square Neptune & the Gemini Full Moon || November 25-26, 2015

Broad Avenue Street Art by Guillaume Alby (aka REMED), my photography

Sun Square Neptune & the Gemini Full Moon
November 25-26, 2015

As an astrologer, it’s weeks like these that make writing both exciting and difficult! With so much going on in the skies, it’s hard to know where to start. Do I talk about our wounded but wise Centaurian healer, Chiron, finally moving direct after being retrograde since June? Do I focus on the Full Moon in Gemini, since it’s happening right on my natal Gemini Moon, which is in the 9th House? I sat last night at my laptop until nearly 1am going through the motions of what this week is really about. What’s the weather telling us about ourselves? Mercury was conjunct Saturn yesterday though, so my ability to put my thoughts into words was a bit stifled!

Sometimes the astrological weather will be quite calm, with the occasional planetary ingress or aspect occurring, rich in their own story lines and symbols. Then there are weeks like this one, when we have several major planetary connections or occurrences in a very short amount of time. Most notably, the Saturn/Neptune Square that will be exact tomorrow. Saturn is touching nearly everything this week, conjoining the Sun & Mercury, and influencing Mercury when the swift moving planet goes out of bounds in the sign of Capricorn.

This highly touted square also occurs right on Thanksgiving for those of us who celebrate! I love that, it doesn’t get better. How will this play out? What will it look like in the physical? Tomorrow, so many of us will join with our families and friends for a feast of thanks, a time that is thought of as both enjoyable and stressful. Some of us welcome the company of our relatives & loved ones, while others recall painful memories of difficult times past. Saturn represents those who are “over” us, may it be a boss, a parent, an elder, a father figure. He is the elder of the Zodiac, Lord of Time and Karma.

Highly concentrated periods these are, and they affect us all down to the core. How they affect us, and in what areas of life they affect us, is mainly dependent upon the positions and energies in our natal charts, and in the charts of those around us as we interact and socialize. This also depends on how far we have come on an individual level, how much our soul has grown, and how much we have evolved.

Sunday :: Sun moves into Sagittarius
Tuesday :: Mercury Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius
Wednesday :: Full Moon in Gemini (Sun in Sag Oppose Moon in Gemini)
Thursday :: Saturn in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces
Friday :: Mercury in Capricorn Out of Bounds (Saturn rules Capricorn)
Saturday :: Chiron in Pisces Stationary Direct
Sunday :: Sun in Sagittarius Conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius

What a week! Where to start?

Even though I’m really excited about today’s Full Moon in Gemini, (I mean how often does a Full Moon happen on your natal Moon? It’s enlightening!), I’ll start with the aspect that is the most potent and highly charged, the one you will likely hear most people discuss, tomorrow’s square between Saturn and Neptune. I will briefly discuss this Full Moon and it’s role in the Saturn + Neptune square, because Neptune squares the Sun/Moon Opposition. If you are interested in the Full Moon, please check out my FullMoon in Gemini page on the site! I’ve listed the degrees where this is taking place, a Full Moon chart (that I will also post in this article), descriptions of how to compare your own chart, and the Sabian symbols involved.

Toon Barn
A Bit About Squares

A square occurs when planets are sitting within 90° of each other. It is considered a tense, charged, friction bearing, action-oriented aspect. Squares are not comfortable, they require adjustment on our part, but they teach us the BEST lessons if we are willing to embrace and learn. Be a student to the square, and to all aspects for that matter, but specifically a Square like this.

Planets who form a square are in the same Modality (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable) but they are in different Elements. They rule a similar time of the year (the beginning of a season, the middle of a season, the change in season). The WAY they operate may be similar, yet the elements that rule them are quite different, and this creates friction. There are three Modalities and 4 Elements; each zodiac sign is a combination of an Element & a Modality (Fixed Air – Aquarius, Mutable Water – Pisces). Cardinal signs initiate and take action, they have no problem starting a project or taking on a leadership role. Fixed signs prefer things the way they are and are often stubborn, yet they have tremendous staying power. Mutable signs are more changeable, adaptable, and are generally very open-minded.

Thankfully, this Saturn + Neptune square is occurring in mutable signs, Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in his home sign of Pisces. Mutable squares have a tendency to be a bit easier to deal with than, say, Fixed squares. These two planets will square off two more times over the next year in Sagittarius & Pisces, the next square forming June 17th, and the last September 10th.

Appreciate Saturn, He Means Well

With Saturn square Neptune, I can’t help but think of a highly imaginative child who is lost in a dream world of their own creation, playing for hours with make-believe friends in far off places. Couches become spaceships, boring rugs turn into magic carpets, and the child is only limited by depth of his or her imagination. They see the possibility in ALL. Nothing is off limits. Yet, on occasion, a parent needs to step in and say, “You’ll bust your head jumping on that couch! Time for dinner, you haven’t eaten for hours! I just stepped on your Legos PICK THEM UP!”

Our dear child in this picture would be Neptune, and Saturn would be the parent. The child requires a bit of direction, yet sometimes the parent needs to lighten up. A bit of dirt on our clothes wont hurt anyone, yet we should always be careful when climbing trees.

Scathingly Brilliant
As I have gotten older, I’ve grown to have a certain affinity for Saturn. I don’t fear him like I did at one time, because I am aware that Saturn lessons are lessons of our own doing. Saturn is a karmic reality check, ruling this dimension while Neptune rules ALL dimensions. Saturn is going to be real, and often, energies like Neptune NEEEEED a reality check. Saturn lessons aren’t nice, usually, and Saturn in the birth chart can be a very heavy thing to face. He is a planet of restriction, of less than more. Yet, his goal is to simply show us the actual consequences of our actions in the physical plane. He slows things down a bit, puts us in our place. People who are operating harmoniously with Saturn are practical, realistic & reliable. These are people who can get work done.

Most people will eventually feel the way I do, sharing a certain fondness for the mighty Earth God. Life experience ages us, or ages the soul in a way, which eventually manifests in the physical. We often describe immature people as those who need to “grow up” and have a little time under their belt. We say this, because we know that with age, comes the ups and downs of life. People will die, you will loose a job, you will have your heart completely broken apart or broken open, you will eventually go to jail if you constantly break the law, if you overspend it will inevitably bite you in the ass. You will SURVIVE. When the lesson comes around again, you can choose because you have already been down one road and you know better.

Sometimes these tough lessons are the consequences of living too far into our Neptune, being irresponsible in our daydreaming - getting wrapped up into an illusion or falling prey to addiction, constantly wanting to escape. Often heavy Neptunian types (those with heavy Pisces, 12th House, or Neptune natal chart influences) don’t even see the illusion they are living. The 12th House is the house of self-undoing. Where we, as individuals, melt into the cosmic soup we came from. Therefore individuals with this influence can often be very self-destructive. Saturn, again, will be the cosmic kick in the pants we need in these cases. Sometimes Saturn will be the “rock bottom” that needs to be experienced. Neptune is specifically potent in Pisces because this is where he is most comfortable, so where he is transiting, and the planets he may be in aspect with in your chart are going to really get a good dose of Neptune. Saturn, who is current in Jupiter’s domain, is experiencing a bit of discomfort as he is being asked to come out of his shell & expand a bit.


Build Dream Houses

Although Neptune is a far-reaching boundless energy (I’ve made it out to be a bit irresponsible and passive I think) those of us who are living too far into our Saturn need a dose of Neptune every now and then too. Those of us too focused on our work, too deep into our rituals and routines, those of us who feel burdened by the reality we are living, might need to lean into this Neptune tension and see what is there be learned in dissolving boundaries and structures that are preventing us from growth. Because Sagittarius rules the Higher Mind, perhaps Neptune needs to dissolve those thoughts & beliefs that are preventing us from an experience of Divine Love, Compassion, and connection to the All (all of which are under his domain).

A bit of Neptune can sweeten the dullness that Saturn can often bring, if these two energies can be managed correctly. Saturn often needs a reminder of the magic that is inherent in nature, and that he too is a child of the Source that Neptune is so closely connected to. Saturn should realize that Neptune, a water element, can be used for sturdy construction of his walls. Mud, mixed with water, makes clay, makes bricks, makes adobe. It is possible to blend these two for constructive purposes, yet we will learn to blend this likely trough tension.

I like to imagine the Sagrada Familia, Atoni Gaudi’s famous unfinished Gothic Cathedral, as a prime example of how to blend this energy. The cathedral is a whimsical take on a traditional structure, an out of the box & imaginative approach to constructing a building used for worship & prayer, a house filled with routines and structures that Saturn is so familiar with. The Catholic Church is a Saturn in Sagittarius ideal. Sagittarius governs religion and the collective belief structures and dogma that we use to transcend our animal nature and live right by a higher power. In the Sagrada Familia, it is the building’s uncharacteristic form, imaginative structure that gives it such uniqueness. Gaudi is the Neptune here, a fantastic example of how this energy can be directed and channeled into producing something magnificent. How if we let our inner dreamer, artist, mystic do it's work, Saturn can still have his way but do so in the most unique and original form.

Photo by, Matt Forbes
Saturn is a builder, and wants to achieve his goals. This energy should learn the value of a Neptune
approach from time to time. Soften up a bit and realize that the heights we can reach are only, truly, limited by how far we think we can go. With Neptune, there is no end. Saturn could use a bit of this kind of healthy expansion!

Build yourself Dream Houses, but ones that will stand. Too much water, and the entire structure will dissolve. Let yourself build houses that allow you to imagine but be practical. BE PRACTICAL. Dream, but also wake up. Don't be surprised if Saturn slaps you across the face and says "WAKE UP" after a bit too long in Neptune's misty waters. 

Neptune Squares the Gemini Full Moon

Aspects are most intensely felt as they are applying, or on approach, hitting a peak when the aspects becomes exact, and then dissipating in energy as the two bodies separate. This will happen with the case of Saturn and Neptune, we've been feeling this. The Saturn/Neptune square will reach a peak, most specifically, today and tomorrow. During today's Full Moon, Neptune forms a T-Square with the Sun/Moon Opposition. This means that Neptune sits at the midpoint for the Opposing Sun & Moon, squaring both luminaries.

This places Neptune in tension with the Sun & Moon. Our emotions are a bit scattered, we probably don't have as much energy as we usually do with Saturn conjoining the Sun, and all the while Neptune in Pisces is saying "Check out! Forget the grocery store! The turkey can wait! Turn on some music and make some art man. Sit down and meditate." Yet we have duties and responsibilities at this time, especially for those of us who are celebrating Thanksgiving. We can't really check out, like we may want to, and that will likely create inner tension.

Again, a bit of meditation would be great, and a bit of Neptune with dinner is not so bad. Conversation will be lively for sure (considering Mercury is nearly out of bounds). We need to remember, everything has a time and a place though. Let yourself go, within reason. Be very cognoscente about how you want to react to things emotionally. Don't be so checked out that you let the turkey burn. Try not to scatter yourself too thin and give yourself time away from friends and family if need be. Be careful about how you direct your energies. Tonight is a night many people will be meeting up with old friends and relatives, my husband and I always tried to see our college buddies the night before Thanksgiving. Don't overdo it, you will have a tendency to. Saturn will then remind you tomorrow that, perhaps, you went a bit too far! A planet like Neptune is not an easy planet to combat, he prefers imaginative isolation as opposed to group functions. We just need to use awareness. 

Neptune Square Saturn // Full Moon Chart

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I hope that you have found some inspiration and insight within this latest article, perhaps even you learned a little about astrology. If you care to share anything from this article, please do so by also citing 12th House Studio as the source! If you have any questions about what you have read here, please do not hesitate to email me: 


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