Friday, September 25, 2015

Cosmic Weather Report :: Mars enters Virgo || Pluto Stationary Direct

Cosmic Weather Report :: Mars enters Virgo || Pluto Stationary Direct

In the past 24 hours, we have experienced two significant changes to our celestial weather. Mars entered the sign of Virgo yesterday evening, followed by Pluto's turn prograde in the sign of Capricorn, after being in a retrograde motion since April. Below you will find a brief breakdown for both events.

Michael Benson/NASA/JPL
Kinetikon Pictures
Mars > Virgo
September 24, 2015 || 10:18pm

Mars entered the sign of Virgo yesterday, September 24th at 10:18pm EST. It takes Mars approximately 2-2.5 years to transit all 12 signs, meaning this high energy planet spends about a month and a half in every sign (depending on it's retrograde cycle). 

Martian energy represents our physical activity, where & how we direct our energy, our fighting style, and what motivates us. With such a high energy planet transiting Virgo, Mars is directing his energy into organization, careful analysis, the workplace & service, and personal health. Although this will effect us all individually in a different way, depending on our natal astrological energies, Mars's transit through Virgo will provide us with the motivation to get all of our ducks in a row. Don't be surprised if you feel urges to organize, de-clutter, and make parts of your life more efficient. 

Virgo is an Earth sign, and it's influence over mars will be highly grounding, assisting Mars in an appropriate direction of it's energies. Mars is a planet of impulse, and the nature of it's fire element represents the initial spark. Mars is connected to the First Point of Aries, which rules the Ascendant in our individual charts. We may feel motivated to re-evaluate and analyze how we are presenting ourselves to the world, and whether our work is in alignment with who we are. Mars loves to initiate, yet he is not known to follow through. Use the organization and efficiency of Virgo's influence over Mars to see new work projects, commitments to better health, and wellbeing. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury, whose mental communicative energy will most likely be heightened during this time. Watch additional feelings of nervousness and anxiety during this transit. You may find yourself a bit more "nit picky" and perfectionistic during this time, in the area of life ruled by Virgo in your chart. Use this to your advantage, but don't let it overwhelm you.

How will this effect you?

© Jaroslav Kourbanov
Locate the sign of Virgo in your natal chart, and observe the house that it rules. The energy of Mars under Virgo's influence may manifest in some way in the areas of life ruled by this house. For example, if Virgo rules your 2nd house, you may feel driven to reorganize & reevaluate our finances and belongings. Perhaps we may be a bit MORE impulsive in regards to spending, as Mars's energy is pure impulse.

Those of us who have planets, angles, asteroids and calculated points in the sign of Virgo, will experience a conjunction between these natal objects and the current transit of Mars. If you have natal astrological objects in the signs of Taurus and Capricorn, at some point Mars will create a trine with these natal points. If you have natal objects (planets, points, asteroids, etc) within the signs Gemini and Sagittarius, Mars's transit will create a square to these natal points during it's travels through Virgo. If you have personal planets in Pisces, Mars will at some point create an opposition with these natal energies.

Additionally, look to the position & placement of the planet Mercury in your chart. Any aspects made to Mercury will also come into play. The condition of your Ascendant, natal Mars, natal Mercury, 1st and 6th Houses may be emphasized during this transit. 

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Pluto > Direct
September 25, 2015 || 2:58am
12°58 Capricorn
"A fire worshipper meditates the ultimate realities of existence"
Sabian Symbol interpretation from Dane Rudhyar: 
KEYNOTE: The subjective quest for ultimates beyond the interplay of life and death processes. 
Beyond cultural enjoyment and the passion for accumulation of often-unusable data of sense knowledge stands the willful and determined "adventure in consciousness" of the occultist, the yogi, the mystic. The mystery of fire has always captured man's imagination because it is the mystery of all transformations wrapped in the enigma of death. In times when collective, perhaps total, death could be in store for mankind, the process of subjective meditation is fascinating an ever-greater number of people.

This is the third symbol in the fifty-seventh sequence. It brings us to a stage beyond life itself. Are we ready to take this step which the masters of yoga claim to have taken: to experience death and return to the same body? Are we ready to demonstrate man's WILL TO TRANSCENDENCE?


Image Source: 116 RVN 1969
Pluto initially turned retrograde on April 16th of this year at 15°32 Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol of this degree is: "School Grounds Filled With Boys And Girls In Gymnasium Suits". Astrologer Dane Rudhyar interprets this degree with the following meaning, "Normal dependence upon physical stimulation. Robust enthusiasm in approaching life's contests; or immature impulsiveness." If you have ever watched children on the playground, their games are all about power. They enjoy playing the kind of games that allow them to assert make believe independence & control. We often see showdowns of power, Good Guy vs. Bad Guy. Pluto's retrograde motion this year, asked us to completely break down and re-evaluate our own internal power struggles. What extremes do we battle within ourselves? What are we seeking to control in our lives? 

Pluto represents our ability to regenerate and experience profound change. It rules death in our charts, as death is a transcendence of the physical world. Pluto rules the occult, what is considered taboo and the areas of life that we prefer to keep hidden. As God of the Underworld, Pluto quite literally snatched his bride, Persephone. He overtook her, exerting his power and control over the daughter of Ceres. It rules power, where we want power and control and what makes us feel powerless. As Pluto moved backwards this year, we were reacquainted with these themes of transformation, power, and control in the house that contains 12-15° Capricorn. 

Early this morning, at 12°58 Capricorn, Pluto turned direct once again. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is, "A fire worshipper meditates the ultimate realities of existence". I believe Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of this Sabian Symbol, noted above, so deeply resonates with the energy of Pluto on this degree. Rudhyar states: "The mystery of fire has always captured man's imagination because it is the mystery of all transformations wrapped in the enigma of death." Pluto rules these areas of life: the mystery, the occult, transformation and death. Pluto's sign, Scorpio, is symbolized in three forms: Scorpion, Eagle, and Phoenix. These symbols relate to HOW we deal with Pluto's lessons. Do we react in fear, remaining low to the ground, defending ourselves as victims, or do we rise from the ashes, transformed & renewed? The choice is ours.

Travis Bedel
We are asked to initiate change and transform the area of life Pluto is influencing. For me, Pluto is transiting my 5th House, a house that rules children, self expression, love and creativity. In April, as Pluto prepared to turn retrograde, my family experienced some quite profound changes and revelations. We were able to shed light on things which had been lying under the surface, ongoing issues that we couldn't quite put our finger on. Additionally, I was given information and insight into my really tough childhood & teenage years. This insight helped me truly understand who I am and why I operate the way I do. I felt born again, new, that I could shed who I thought I needed to be, and live into who I AM. I felt an intense desire to create & share my creations with all of you. I opened my Etsy shop, and breathed new life into a business and brand I thought had "died" the year before. Here I am, several months later, reflecting upon this process of transformation I have gone through. I now feel reinvigorated and recharged.

You too have experienced a transformation in some way. This has most likely taken place on an internal level, yet we know what happens within will manifest in some way without. I have a tattoo on my side, a mantra written in Sanskrit. Part of the mantra states, "As here so elsewhere". Our internal processes & transformations directly effects our external circumstances. Although Pluto's changes can feel huge, life changing, unexpected and harsh, they are necessary. Just as fire clears way for new growth, so too does Pluto burn through the bits and pieces of ourselves and our lives that require change. We might feel powerless to these lessons, yet by releasing the desire to control life's great cycles we will be liberating. We have to release to the process and allow change to take place. 

How will Pluto stationary direct in Capricorn will effect you?

If you have NATAL or PROGRESSED planets/midpoints/asteroids located on or within 3° of the below points, Pluto's prograde motion will be especially potent. This means the transiting Pluto is unlocking, activating, and aligning natal chart energies. Any planet that forms an aspect with natal objects located at the below points, will also come to the foreground. 

Note: If you like to use wider orbs (aka - the number of degrees between two points/planets/asteroids/etc) for transits and luminaries, please do so. I tend to use tight orbs in my astrology work.

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Conjunction & Opposition

Conjunctions & Oppositions are tense, concentrated & often highly charged aspects. In the case of Conjunctions, the two planets are in the same DEGREE, SIGN, and ELEMENT. The two planets will blend energies, and it can often be difficult to differentiate between the two as they work in accordance with one another. If an outer planet (Neptune, Pluto, Uranus) conjoins a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), angle or point, the lessons with the planet can be heavy but enlightening. Profound. With Oppositions, the planets/points/etc are occupying the same degree in OPPOSING signs. They are in different elements. With this aspect, there can be some-what of a see-saw effect, as the individual can feel torn between the energies at play in the natal chart, especially if either planet is highlighted or activated by a transit.

If you have planets, points, angles or asteroids located at:

12°58 Capricorn
These planets will CONJUNCT Pluto

12°58 Cancer
These planets will Oppose Pluto

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A Trine is a harmonious aspect, and occurs when planets are within the same DEGREE & ELEMENT. Their means of expression are in harmony. The transiting planet will support and activate natal planets. For example, if you have Mercury in Virgo at 12°58, Mercury will trine the Pluto in Capricorn.

If you have Planets, points, angles, or asteroids located at:

12°58 in Earth Signs: Virgo & Taurus
These planets will TRINE Pluto

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A Square is a challenging aspect, and occurs when planets are within the same DEGREE & MODALITY, but they are in DIFFERENT ELEMENTS. The Modalities are, Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. The mode in which they operate is different. The transiting planet may create friction or tension with the natal planets involved. Because this is a Solar/Lunar Opposition, planets at the degrees listed below will form a tense aspect called a T-Square. This is a GIFT, as squares create a need to resolve internal and external conflict. There is an intense desire to heal, balance, reflect, or act in some way. For example, if you have Mercury in Aries at 12°58, Mercury will Square Pluto.

If planets, points angles, or asteroids are located at:

12°58 in Libra or Aries
These planets will SQUARE Pluto

Additionally, look at the 10th House in your chart, as well as the 8th House. Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th House, while Capricorn rules the 10th House and is governed by Saturn. Successful chart interpretation, and transit interpretation looks at all elements connected to a particular planet, sign, or house. By reviewing these elements, we build a picture of how these transits effect us personally.

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As always, if anything you read here is confusing feel free to email me questions at, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. I will be offering natal chart services soon, so you can compare your personal natal chart to transiting aspects. Remember, astrology is not at all fatalistic. As human beings, we are a brilliant mixture of subtle energies, elements, lessons. Often the greatest challenges can be great awakeners. Many blessings on this upcoming Supermoon, I hope this information has been informative and transformative!

Mindfire ::
Lewellyn's Complete Book of Astrology, Kris Brandt Riske, MA


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